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Build A Dream Team: Fortify Your Personal Ecosystem

Writer's picture: Kenya DunnKenya Dunn


Dear God, what’s next for me?

God: YOU, you are next.

This was 2018.

What I knew for sure was, an answer so broad would be an unfolding of a series of experiences that could span months or even years. I was filled with excitement and nervousness because of the unknown but the risk taker in me was willing to walk through the door to see what was there. 

I made the bold decision to choose myself—a choice that had been years in the making. It didn’t happen overnight; I spent countless months weighing my options and envisioning my future. But in 2020, I finally declared, “I AM the priority.”

This meant walking away from a career I had poured my heart into, facing a wellness challenge I had long ignored, and coming to terms with the end of my marriage.

Before I go any further, let me say this—these decisions weren’t about anyone else. They were about me, my purpose, and my quality of life.

As I entered this season of personal reinvention, I realized that navigating such a significant transformation would require a dream team—a group of individuals who truly had my back.

A dream team is a group of individuals who bring together their unique strengths, expertise, and support to help you achieve your goals, especially during significant transitions or challenges. 

Before you select your dream team, you must be clear about what it is you are trying to achieve. I revisited my personal ecosystem—a carefully crafted network of interconnected elements designed to support my well-being, growth, and success.

At the heart of my personal ecosystem is the word "me," a reminder that my needs, values, and purpose are the foundation of everything I do. Surrounding this core are six key components that I’ve identified as essential to an enriching and harmonious life: Identity (personal), Wealth, Impact, Self, Work & Career, and Relationships.

Being clear about what you are trying to accomplish makes identifying what you need and who can best support you easier. I went through each component of my ecosystem and answered these questions:

  • What do I want to achieve?

  • What do I possess that prepares me to be successful?

  • What do I not know in this area that could hold me back?

As you are reading this, you may be thinking this feels daunting. If you are thinking this, let me say that it felt daunting in the beginning but once I assembled my team, it got easier! And more importantly, I got better!

My dream team was more than just a support system—they were a handpicked group of individuals, each selected for their unique ability to edify and strengthen my journey.


“Give people their flowers while they can smell them.” - Cynthia Peters

Meet MY dream team.

To say that I appreciate the gifts, talents, skills and spirits these people offered me, is an understatement. Each person, some of them who do not know each other, played a significant role in the fortifying of my personal ecosystem. 

My therapist

Reverend Patricia Reed

My spiritual support & coach

My financial coach

Dr. Naomi Pagan

My primary care physician

My Hormone Replacement Therapy doctor

My nutritionist

My massage therapist 

My strategic coach 

My personal trainer

My pelvic floor rehab therapist

WOW that’s a lot of people in your business!

Relax sis!

In a personal ecosystem, the members of your dream team play vital roles, but their involvement isn’t always constant or permanent. Each member brings unique strengths and expertise, but they may only be needed for specific phases of your journey.

Some dream team members step in to help you tackle a particular challenge or achieve a specific milestone. For example, you might enlist a career coach to guide you through a job transition or seek out a financial advisor while you're working on building wealth. Once you've navigated that transition or reached your financial goals, their role in your journey might naturally come to an end.

Other members might offer ongoing support, staying involved as you continue to grow and evolve. 

What’s important to understand is that a dream team is fluid. The right people come in at the right time, providing the support you need when you need it most. And as you progress, your needs change, and so does the composition of your dream team.

Can you build a dream team at no cost?

Here is the deal. I have spent more money on other people and things for years. I have also spent money on less (than myself). I was willing to make whatever financial sacrifice I needed to in order to make room for my well-being. The real question is, ARE YOU WORTH IT?

But what about the support of friends and family?

My family and friends were there every step of the way but in this season of my life I wanted to give them an opportunity to do the one thing they can do better than anyone else, LOVE ME.

Building my personal dream team will forever be one of the best decisions I made in my adult life.

If you’re in the midst of a significant transition or considering a big step, let me offer you one piece of advice: build yourself a dream team. Yes, you are worth it!

In light, love and power


Need help designing your personal ecosystem? Let's talk.

"In the POWER Tribe, we nurture the leadership skills and the well-being of women of color leaders."

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